WI National Resolutions
What is a Resolution?
Every year WI's across the country are invited to select a Resolution or Campaign topic for the following year. At the NFWI Resolution Shortlist Selection meeting on 3 October 2024 member and federation delegates shortlisted four resolutions which will now be taken forward for further debate and selection by members.
The shortlisted resolutions are:
1. Let’s talk about incontinence
2. Bystanders can be lifesavers
3. Join the repair revolution
4. Eliminate landfill of medication packaging
We will be discussing these topics in more detail at our January 8th Meeting -
please come along, find out more about each one and make your decision.
Next steps
Every member now has the opportunity to cast their individual selection on the resolution they support the most. Arundel WI is offering members the chance to find out more about each topic and discuss and learn more about each resolution on the 8th January meeting. However, if this is not possible members can research the issues themselves and make their selection.
The selection slip can be found in the November/December issue of WI Life. A copy of the selection slip can also be downloaded on this page.
Selections must be shared with your federation, and the deadline for this is 9 February 2025.
If you have any questions about returning your selection slip, please speak to your WI committee or your federation.
In addition to completing the selection slip in WI Life and posting it to your federation, Arundel WI will be
allowing members to submit their selections directly to the WI secretary via email or telephone or
to participate in an anonymous poll at the 8th January WI meeting.
1. Let’s talk about incontinence
It is estimated that 14 million people in the UK of all ages are suffering from bladder problems and a further 6.5 million with bowel problems. However, it is still a subject that is misunderstood and very hard to talk about. We call upon the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Wales’ Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to examine in detail all areas of health and wellbeing that are affected by incontinence issues. We call for the government to commit to an up-to-date audit to provide a national picture of incontinence care, offering a baseline from which to drive improved services. We call upon the members of the WI to raise public awareness, remove the stigma around incontinence, to help reduce the significant impact on people’s lives.
2. Bystanders can be lifesavers
There are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests a year in the UK, and less than one in ten people survive. Women have a lower chance of surviving than men. Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillating can more than double the chances of survival. We call on WI members to work together to increase public confidence and training in the delivery of CPR and to work with local organisations to help improve access to defibrillators in their communities to give every person the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.
3. Join the repair revolution
There is a huge excess in clothing production which has devastating consequences for the environment. The WI calls on the UK Government to join the repair revolution and strengthen the law and investment to support a circular economy of clothing and fabrics in the UK, where repair and reuse are achievable, accessible, and affordable to all. We also call on WI members to promote clothing reuse and repair in their communities.
4. Eliminate landfill of medication packaging
Medication packaging, due to its complexity, is not routinely recyclable through local authority collections, usually leading to disposal in landfills. We call on the WI to proactively raise awareness by encouraging additional collection points where empty packaging can be easily returned for recycling. Furthermore, we call on manufacturing companies to acknowledge their moral responsibility to reduce their environmental impact by exploring simpler packaging alternatives that are easier to recycle or have less impact on the environment. These steps can significantly improve recycling rates to move towards eliminating landfill.